How Much Does It Cost to Reupholster a Leather Couch?

Brett E.

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A gray leather couch on hardwood floor

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There is an antique leather couch that has been in my family for many years. When I noticed that it showed some signs of wear and tear, I decided to get it reupholstered. One question came to mind, how much does it cost to reupholster a leather couch?

Since I was new to the entire process of reupholstering, I decided to do some research about the topic.

How Much Does It Cost to Reupholster a Leather Couch?

It costs between $600 and $4000 to reupholster a leather couch, with the average cost being $1800. The price of the fabric will be approximately $50-$70 per yard while labour charges usually vary between $40-$100 per hour.

The process of reupholstering a couch might seem more tedious and time-consuming than simply walking into a furniture store and buying a new couch right away.

However, reupholstering allows you to enjoy a number of benefits. When you finally get to see the finished product, then you’ll definitely agree that a little patience goes a long way.

A brown toned living room with sagging leather couch

Factors Affecting the Cost of Reupholstering a Leather Couch

The wide price range of $600-$4000 clearly indicates that there are a number of important factors which affect the cost of upholstering a leather couch. Here are some of the main factors that you should consider:

Quality of Leather

Many people are unaware of the fact that there are different types of leather which are sold for different prices.

If you choose a high-quality grade of leather, then the overall cost of fabric will be much higher than choosing a lower quality but slightly more affordable grade.

Here is a table showing some of the furniture leather grades and their respective prices:

Hide TypeSample Retail
Full Top Grain English Bull Hide$3849
Full Top Grain Cowhide$3599
Full Grain Cowhide$3399
Top Grain Domestic$3199
Corrected Top Grain Bovine$2749
Corrected Top Grain Cowhide$2699

Extra Repairs

The reupholstering process involves stripping down a couch to its bare framework. If there are any additional repairs that need to be done on this framework, such as large holes, replacing springs, or remove pillings from couch, then it will definitely increase the overall cost of the project.


Moving a couch from one location to another is no easy fete. Oftentimes, a professional mover will need to be hired for the process. Moreover, the longer the distance the couch has to travel to get to the repair workshop, the higher the transport cost will be.

When Is It More Beneficial to Reupholster a Couch?

This is a common question that many individuals grapple with. Here are some of the circumstances in which it would be far more beneficial for you to reupholster your couch rather than buying a new one:

A gray leather couch on hardwood floor
  • Sentimental value: As mentioned before, the couch that my family owns has been in my possession for many years. This means that I was not willing to give up the fond memories that have been entrenched in my mind. If your couch has some sentimental value attached to it, then you should definitely reupholster it rather than selling it to buy a new couch.
  • Hardwood frame: If your couch has a hardwood frame, then there is a high chance that this part of the couch is still in pristine condition. For this reason, there is genuinely no need for you to purchase a new couch. Instead, you can simply reupholster the fabric and it will go back to looking good as new.
  • Aesthetic value: The best thing about reupholstering your furniture is that you will be able to maintain the same style of furniture while at the same time infusing a fresh burst of life to the piece. So, if you want to maintain the current size and style of your furniture while still experimenting with some new colours or textures, then reupholstering is the best way to go.

Is It Cheaper to Reupholster a Couch as Opposed to Buying a New One?

When comparing the cost of reupholstering to that of buying a new couch, it is important to understand that the answer to this question will vary for different individuals.

The first step to discovering the answer is deciding on what you want your new couch to look like. Take some time and develop a clear vision of the style, size and mood that you want the new couch to reflect. Additionally, you could even get some inspiration online.

Afterwards, you should sit down with an upholstering company and get an accurate quotation for what this will cost.

When you receive the quotation, the next step will be to shop around furniture stores to see if there is any new couch which matches the vision that you have in mind. There are so many great brands in the market, such as Benchcraft sofas, Canadel furnitures, Kendalwood couches and chairs, you can imagine the possibilitie are endless.

After going through these steps, you will be able to make an informed decision as to which scenario is cheaper for you: reupholstering or buying new.

Additional Questions

How Long Does It Take to Reupholster a Leather Couch?

It takes approximately 5-25 hours to complete the reupholstering process. This would translate to about a month or so depending on the speed at which the reupholstering company will perform the work.

A brown stylish couch in a waiting room

How Much Fabric Is Needed to Reupholster a Leather Couch?

The average couch will require about 14-18 yards of fabric.


Reupholstering a couch is one of the best ways in which you can keep a memorable piece of furniture. Additionally, it also breathes a new life into your interior décor. This amazing process enables an old and worn out couch to be made brand new within a few weeks.

Brett E.

Brett E. is the Owner of  Brett comes from a long line of craftsman and foreman, and has been involved with the construction and renovation world ever since he was a boy while working for his families construction and remodeling company.  After graduating with a a degree in Interior Design, Brett is the go to guy for any interior design or remodeling questions!